October 2001. For a year we had been refurbishing the heritage listed old building, working towards The Rug Shop when NINE ELEVEN happened.
Not a propitious time to open a shop specialising in rugs from the US President’s “WAR ON TERROR” and his “AXIS OF EVIL”.
However, we are merchants international traders in a centuries old profession.
We don’t do politics.
The opening was standing room only!
This prayer was read at the Grand Opening:
May you entertain this notion:
That because the earth is beautiful, it has been a mother to these craftswomen whose high precision skills formed this sacred art, these gifts of peace and joy, and that it will, given time, sweeten the sourest mind and produce a boundless compassion, shared by all.
And may you bring these gifts of peace and understanding to those around you, knowing life is full of joy, and thereby helping those who are hateful, jealous and warlike, focus instead on the boundless wonders of the appreciation of beauty in an everyday reality.
For only by contemplating beauty are we saved from that hurtful misery so ready in the philistine's empty heart.
Vote one for beauty, and sharing, because the policies are joy, and compassion.
Milton Cater